Richard Jobson

Founding Director

Richard is a co-founder of Design Engine and is keenly interested in the symbiotic relationship between architecture and sculpture.

Using drawings in conjunction with physical and CAD modelling, Richard explores the potential of these disciplines. Many of his models have been exhibited at the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition.

Particular examples of this approach to design are the delivery of the British Embassy in Yemen (RIBA International award for Architecture), the West Downs Centre for The University of Winchester (RIBA Award) and the John Henry Brookes Building for Oxford Brookes University.

Richard has lectured and critiqued at a number of architectural schools including Oxford Brookes, Cardiff and Portsmouth Universities; he taught at the latter from 1995 to 2000. Richard has produced critical writing on recently completed buildings for the architectural press including Architecture Today, and he was an External Examiner at Kingston University School of Architecture from 2007-2011.

Between 1996 and 2001, Richard headed the bridge team at the engineering firm Ramboll, gaining a profound expertise in this specialised field. He co-edited the book Bridge Builders (published by Wiley-Academy) in 2002.

While at Ramboll, Richard designed and delivered a number of Millennium bridges in London, York and Lancaster and a competition-winning bridge in Turin. More recent structures include a pedestrian bridge over the M5 at Exeter which won the British Construction Industry Award in 2012.

Richard’s interest in art and sculpture led to the commission and delivery of a significant piece of public sculpture for Winchester University which was opened by HRH The Earl of Wessex KG GCVO in February 2013.